Hogwarts KOTH TryHackme

scan results

total 6 ports were open

22/tcp open ssh syn-ack ttl 59
8073/tcp open vsFTPd 3.0.3 syn-ack ttl 60
8098/tcp open SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 ttl 60
8187/tcp open unknown syn-ack ttl 60
9999/tcp open abyss syn-ack ttl 60
63417/tcp open unknown syn-ack ttl 60

so lets login to ftp cuz anonymous login is aloud

after successful anonymous login we found some serious hidden files and directory

after switching into hidden directory found another hidden directory

and we got one hidden zip-file and hidden message file

download .I_save_it_harry.zip files using get command and save it in your linux

change the name of the file and try to unzip it like i did it here

now the file name is changed to anyname.zip so we try to unzip anyname.zip

and now its asking for the password and we don’t know about any password so lets crack it using john the ripper

so basically what we had done here we had converted the anyname.zip into a crackble hash-format using zip2john command and redirected all commands into a text file with the name hash on it you can put anyname here

now to crack the file using john the ripper we use the following command

the hash has been cracked and now lets see whats inside it

after unzip we got another folder with the name boot

and now we got the password for the user neville

now login through ssh and get the flag

and we logged in 😉

now time to get root

i leave the flag and rest of the enumeration on you ppl bcz don’t cry if you wont work hard to get it

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